Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wednesday December 16th

Hey 8 Galli,
I'm off tomorrow and Ms. Graham will be in for me. I hope you all behave very well. I've left the essay assignment for you to do and some math problems. You can do the math problems with the others in your group if you need help.

The final math test will be on Thursday. We will be starting integers when we come back from the holidays.

I hope everyone had a good time skating today, I was proud of how well you behaved today.

See you Thursday.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Create an account

I'm hoping that everyone has created an account by now. I will check tomorrow to see if everyone is able to log in to the blog. I just created a smartboard lesson on circles and I plan to show it to you tomorrow. We will have a test on Tuesday on area and perimeter.

We will continue with the Reader's Theatre and you do not have to memorize your lines. You can use the script.

See you tomorrow.